5 Ways Yoga Can Improve Mental Health and Wellbeing

We have all heard about the positive benefits of regular exercise on mental health and how getting our bodies moving can help elicit ‘feel good’ hormones known as endorphins.  More recently we have seen growing evidence of how yoga can enhance these ben­efits through the reduction of stress, anxiety and depression as well as improving cognitive functioning and inducing deeper sleep.

Let’s explore in more detail the top five ways yoga can improve mental health and wellbeing.

1. Reduction in Stress, Anxiety and Depression

The use of mindfulness and focused breathing techniques incorporated in yoga has been shown to calm the mind and trigger the parasympathetic nervous system.  Both outcomes are extremely beneficial for people who struggle with mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression. Sometimes mindfulness practices that require stillness can be too challenging, however similar benefits can be achieved by gently moving through yoga poses.

Further, by concentrating on the precise execution of a movement or the physical sensations produced by a certain pose, the mind learns how to cultivate a clear focus more effortlessly and observe experiences rather than react to them.  Whether holding a plank or chair pose until the body shakes or entering into the last minute of a yin yoga pose – it shows us how to gradually decrease our emotional reactivity to challenging things and learn how to better tolerate safe discomfort. 

Movements and sensations that once would result in holding the breath and cause fear responses or frustration to kick in, can slowly be embraced with a more open mind.  Pain and discomfort start to be experienced, like everything, as transitory and manageable.

2. Improves Cognitive Skills 

Stress, depression and anxiety all have a negative impact on cognitive function.  Studies show yoga helps to counter-balance their negative impacts with its specific combination of physical movement, breathing exercises and meditation.  Through regular yoga practice, brain cells develop new connections and changes occur in brain structure and function, resulting in improved cognitive skills, such as learning, memory, attention, awareness, thought, and language.

3. Encourages you to maintain a healthy lifestyle 

Research suggests that the mental focus, emotional stamina and increased discipline gained through regular yoga can assist in taking positive steps in other areas of life.  And attaining other health goals such as a healthy diet, sobriety and quitting smoking can become more attainable.

4. Alleviates insomnia

Practicing yoga regularly can help manage symptoms of insomnia and assist in the quality and duration of sleep.  Moreover, the regular practice of yoga has been shown to boost melatonin levels.  Melatonin is a natural hormone that regulates the sleep cycle and elicits relaxed and calm feelings that facilitate restful sleep.

5.   Improves your mood

Regular yoga practice can assist in improving and regulating mood.   Individuals that consistently practice yoga enjoy higher levels of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in their brains.  GABA is a neurotransmitter that is responsible for the way you feel. People with low levels are more prone to suffer from depression, anxiety, and other negative emotions. Yoga can help boost your GABA levels and facilitate the release of negative emotions resulting in improved mood and overall wellbeing.

Residents local to Fort Green Studio in Northcote may be interested in exploring the benefits of yoga as well as Pilates and barre which are also available.


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